I can't stop thinking about that...what was it about these particular people that they noticed the Messiah had arrived? It grieves me to know I would not have been on that list...I would have been one of the thousands of who had the great miracle right before me, and missed it entirely. I would not have been gazing at the stars and noticing their shifts. I would not have been in the temple praying night and day. I barrel ahead in life, focused on the day's tasks and my own agenda. I am definitely more of a "Martha" than a "Mary" (Luke 10:38-42). How many times is He right there and I miss Him?
So this Christmas, I have tried really hard to notice Jesus. He tells me he is with me always, but do I really notice that? This Advent season, I am blessed to say I am noticing him everywhere...
I am noticing Jesus in the faithfulness of my husband, who is always there for me, ever present, ever loyal, ever supportive, ever loving.
I am noticing Jesus in our new son and his great love for his parents, his selflessness, his humility.
I am noticing Jesus in the way our children love each other and serve each other.
I am noticing Jesus in my parents faithfulness to our family despite the many choices we have made that they would have never expected.
I am noticing Jesus in the incredible banquet of friends that I can feast on any day at any hour.
I am noticing Jesus in the way my church family shows up for each other.
I am noticing Jesus in the faith of precious friends living with cancer this Christmas.
I am noticing Jesus in the little things, the sweet things, the every day gifts.
Lord, help me to slow down this Advent and notice you. And let me keep these eyes of seeing you all the year through.